Base narrow mouth pups

 Pups that have  a "base narrow " lower jaw means that as a puppy the bottom jaw is narrower than it should be and when the bottom canines (fangs) come in, one or both will poke in to the upper gum. One or two teeth may need to be pulled.

Obviously, the jaw does grow and the adult teeth come in fine.

I have been battling this for over 3.5 years now and had a period where there were none but it is back. It is a recessive gene that both  parents have to carry and it comes from the Poodle side of the parentage. My breeding dogs do not show this, it is only when you breed to another dog carrying this fault that it shows up.  

If you are in the lower mainland, there are 2 vets there that will do this for abt. $250. If you want bloodwork, it is more. I don't think you need that. I am also pretty sure there are more vets that do not charge an arm and leg.


Other places have been ridiculous, telling people outrageous prices for many things they  don't even need. There is  also no "recovery time" or "special food" needed for a baby tooth extraction, as one was told. 

               It should not cost $800-$900  

I have gotten get this done here for $200-$240 depending on size of pup as anesthetic cost is dependant on weight.


If I end up having to do this with several pups that have it, they will have been FORFEITED by you and will be rehomed when the teeth are removed. 

My vet in Quesnel will not do until at least 10 weeks old and it requires 6 hours driving as they have to be dropped off in the morning and picked up in the afternoon. With Covid backups it could be a lot longer than that. I do not need any more pressure. 

So I will pay $200 towards the procedure after it is done, as some of these teeth may still correct. You would know by 12 week shots.

Trupanion has already paid for one pup to have teeth pulled on a $400 deductible which with my $200 will cost the owner abt. $200. ($838 procedure that can be done for $250 elsewhere.)

You can get a pup with this anywhere without even being told from these "breeders" that know nothing about what they are doing. Would you think to look in a pup's mouth when buying ? Would you know what you were looking for ? 

Consider in this, and what I have been saying for a long time. I am not the only breeder with this dentition issue. Any Doodle can have this. F1 are the least likely as Australian shepherds and Golden retrievers, Bernese mountain dogs, Labs and many, but not all breeds being crossed with Poodles don't carry the gene as they have large, wide jaws.  
You can also get a much worse problem than a baby tooth needing to pulled ! The rest of my 2 year health guarantee is still in effect. Try finding a 2 year guarantee somewhere else.